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Македонците во Бугарската политика
Македонците во Бугарската политика (дел 1 од 5)
Македонците во Бугарската политика (дел 2 од 5)
Македонците во Бугарската политика (дел 3 од 5)
Македонците во Бугарската политика (дел 4 од 5)
Македонците во Бугарската политика (дел 5 од 5)
Интервју со Ангел Безев цлен на ОМО „Илинден“ - ПИРИН
Ангел Безев е член на Секретаријатот на „ОМО „Илинден“ - Пирин“ вели дека во 25 години независна Република Македонија до денес не стапнал, не ги посетил ниту еден, ама баш, ниту еден политичар од Република Македонија.
Бугарија има два бугарски културни центри, еден во Скопје и еден во Софија. Од амбасадата на Македонија не стапнал никој... И ние сме Македонци!
Ние соработуваме со Македонците од Егејскиот дел на Македонија, со Македонците од Албанија и со Комитетите за човекови права од Австралија и Канада.
Интервју со Ангел Безев член на ОМО „Илинден“ - ПИРИН
Bulgarian Court refuses to register OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN
On September 4, 2007 Sofia District Court in Bulgaria denied OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN's party registration. Word from the the party and the European Court of Human Rights is that it was yet again politically motivated so that the Macedonians could not participate in the next month's local elections. When OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN was registered back in 1999, the party won a numer of municipal seats in the local elections. For fear of gaining political ground the Bulgarian government denied the re-registration, and it is whispered that the party will be registered only after the elections.
Commissioner Hammarberg urges Bulgaria to register UMO Ilinden Pirin
Bulgarian police interrogate ethnic Macedonians - OMO Pirin
EFA G?nther Dauwen:Registration of UMO Pirin Ilinden in 2008
European Commission calls on Bulgaria to recognize OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN
Bulgaria rejects registration of Macedonian minority party
Bulgarian Court refuses to register OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN
OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN's repeated registration in Bulgaria
EU Commission's Spokesman Abing: Bulgaria to recognize OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN
OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN, Ethnic Macedonians in Bulgaria
BBC Macedonian - Ethnic Macedonians in Bulgaria
The BBC radio in Macedonian language broadcasted a report in 2003, about the situation of the ethnic Macedonian minority in Bulgaria. The Bulgarian government refuses to acknowledge the existence of the large Macedonian minority in Pirin Macedonia and continues to violate its basic human rights.
Part 1
Part 2
A members of OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN ran at local elections
OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN took an indirect part in the local elections in Bulgaria, giving support to independent candidate mayors and municipal councilors in several settlements in the region of Pirin Macedonia. The latest attempts to officially register the party failed in August, and this was the reason the party wasn't able to officialy participate at these elections.
Stojko Stojkov, Pavle Voskopoulos and Archimandrite Nikodim Tsarknias in USA
As representatives of OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN from Bulgaria and the Rainbow Party/Vinozhito from Greece, Stojko Stojkov, Pavle Voskopoulos and Archimandrite Nikodim Tsarknias visited the United States of America. The talks in Washington were centred mostly around the treatment of the Macedonian minority in these two countries.
Jan Pirinski from “Narodna Volja” vs. Bulgarian Racism to Macedonians
The Bulgarian government attempts to shut down the newsletter "Narodna Volja", for calling out Bulgaria on its racist treatment toward its Macedonian minority.
Interview with Stoyko Stoykov
Interview with Stojko Stojkov from the OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN, the political party of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria. The party was registered as a political party in 1999 and participated in municipal elections in October 1999, where it elected five local officials. However, on February 29, 2000, the Constitutional Court in Bulgaria declared OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN unconstitutional. This was in direct violation of the right to freedom of association and the right to freedom from discrimination.
Throughout The Pirin Macedonia - Documentary
Macedonian documentary movie from 1948.
A visit of the Macedonian delegation in Pirin Macedonia, now a part of Bulgaria since the partition of Macedonia in 1912/13. The footage is shot in Melnik, Bansko, Sveti Vrach, and Rozhden Monastery, showing the life of the ethnic Macedonians as recognised nation in Bulgaria in 1948.
Part 1
Part 2
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